Why Do People Network? How to Increase Network Size

Why Do People Network? How to Increase Network Size

Creating mutually advantageous connections with others who operate in or nearby your chosen sector is known as networking.

Building ties with other people working in and around your sector or industry is the process of networking in the context of career advancement. These relationships, which differ from mentoring and sponsorship in that they are often mutually beneficial and tend to be more casual, involve each party lending the other resources, knowledge, and information. Your circle of pals who share similar career goals make up your network.

In this post, we’ll discuss the advantages of networking in more detail, provide some examples of networking in action, and provide advice on how to expand your professional network.

Advantages to networking

Several of the advantages of networking are:

  • Discover shared interests with others
  • interact with new people
  • Discover new career opportunities
  • Get employment recommendations

As a result, networking has emerged as a crucial component of career advancement. Individuals frequently rely on their network to communicate news and information about their sector and to engage in more casual conversation about related subjects than they might in a formal professional meeting.

Networking can be a fruitful source of fresh prospects for job searchers. According to some experts, between 70 and 80 percent of job opportunities are not publicly listed. The traditional search-and-apply approach of obtaining a new job has grown increasingly unsuccessful due to the excessive quantity of people vying for publicly posted jobs.

A Job referral is what?

In certain businesses, current employees can formally recommend candidates for open positions through a job recommendation scheme. The application process may be more advantageous for those who have a referral. For instance, it’s possible that their application will be overlooked by the ATS reader or that they will automatically be invited for an interview. The individual who initially recommended the candidate may receive further pay if their contact is recruited by the company.

Illustrative of networking

Any social event may be used as a networking opportunity if you surround yourself with the proper people. There are numerous networking strategies that can accommodate different preferences and levels of comfort. Many types of networking are:

  • networking events in groups
  • attending a conference relating to your industry
  • joining a community online
  • taking part in forums online
  • Having coffee with a new contact
  • using email or a social networking site to contact a possible contact
  • requesting that a buddy introduce you to a contact
  • maintaining communication with a former coworker

Guidelines for effective networking

Although socializing is often meant to be enjoyable, networking is largely a social experience. You can probably find a networking strategy that suits your interests if you appreciate becoming involved in and learning about your field.

In fact, since you’ll be more likely to engage in those interactions actively, your most fruitful connections might be those you enjoy interacting with. Start by seeking the social settings in which you feel most at ease if you want to establish the ideal networking atmosphere for yourself.

Here are some additional pointers when you start to expand your network.

1. Establish clear goals

Consider what you want to achieve through networking before starting your networking adventure. Then, identify the types of people who will most effectively support your objectives, and think about what you might be able to offer them in return. With this level of clarity, you may concentrate your efforts on forming connections that are more likely to result in the outcomes you want.

Keep in mind that sometimes, achieving your goal is as easy as simply turning up. The key to success in networking, especially if you’re new to it, is to develop your capacity to show up. Other networking objectives include:

  • making new acquaintances in your field of employment
  • finding out what methods and tools are preferred by others
  • Investigating a different or related career path
  • getting a new job
  • obtaining employment at a particular organization
  • progressing in your career

2. Consider the people you already know

A simple strategy to begin or increase your networking efforts is to interact with people you already know. You won’t have to worry about striking up a conversation, and you’ll probably already have some common ground prepared.

The following are some individuals you already know who you might want to network with:

  • Friends
  • current or former classmates
  • current or former coworkers
  • former employers
  • members of the club
  • coworkers from the volunteer organization

You can then create a list of potential second-degree connections or individuals your contacts may be willing to introduce you to.

3. Think about open networks

There are a number of open networks where people with comparable interests can gather to talk about issues pertaining to their industry, ask questions, and network. Investigate the kinds of public areas where professionals in your sector frequently congregate as you strive to build your network.

You can find both widely defined places in open networks, such young professionals networks or websites like LinkedIn, as well as specialized groups, like industry-specific forums, Slack communities, or meet-ups. Ask your current contacts about networks they’ve joined, get in touch with any alumni groups you belong to, conduct an online search, or follow business influencers on social media to locate the groups that most suit your needs.

4. Actively take part

It’s critical to continue turning up, just as it was to attend that first meeting. It takes time and effort to develop connections that are mutually beneficial; it may also demand perseverance through setbacks.

Engage your network and the network you are creating proactively. Develop your interpersonal skills by honing your LinkedIn outreach and letter-writing abilities, as well as your ability to communicate with others.

As you seek these new contacts and test out novel outreach techniques, you can experience some discomfort. Start by presenting in ways that are comfortable for you. You might eventually feel more equipped to push your social boundaries and develop new kinds of relationships.

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