Six Steps to eLearning Innovation

Six Steps to eLearning Innovation

Innovative, successful, and able to take off and endure for extended periods of time are the characteristics of creative businesses. How can you be considered innovative as a young organization? How can you alter the status quo in order to stay afloat? eLearning is a tried-and-true tactic. In this post, we define innovation and discuss how eLearning may help your firm innovate.

Innovative businesses don’t mimic what other businesses do. Instead, they have a creative team that develops novel concepts to entice customers based on current data and industry best practices. And these concepts frequently turn out to be great! In universities, where novel business concepts are sworn upon as theories, case studies are published. The constant improvement of human resources through training and development is a frequent pattern in such firms.

The promotion of the use of collaborative and productive technologies to spread knowledge is another distinguishing characteristic of innovative and creative businesses. In these businesses, knowledge is the most valuable resource. It is maintained and passed down as a heritage item from one employee generation to the next.

How do these businesses use innovation and creativity to foster long-term success?

Knowledge, curiosity, and creativity go into the creation of innovation.

The more ideas you have to play with, the bigger the knowledge reservoir is in your company. This results in a range of novel and distinctive goods and services. What then do the creative businesses do to foster creativity among their staff members?

Let’s explore the three degrees of creativity and knowledge that e-learning can help us achieve:


Discovery is the first step in innovation, whether it involves eLearning or not. When taking an eLearning course, you can learn about a phenomenon, a protocol, or a process and make a discovery. The majority of the time, discoveries are only “stumbled-upon” concepts that have been given a fresh viewpoint. Employees who participate in meaningful and interesting eLearning courses are better equipped to use their prior knowledge and new information to solve problems or improve the way a product is presented.


Invention is the second stage of innovation. By this, we imply a new device, method, or technique that has been tailored to the particular requirements of the company. The foundation of eLearning development is addressing the organizational learning gaps. Employees can create fresh ideas if they close these gaps. In other words, new inventions are created when existing knowledge is present.


The highest form of innovation is creation. There are still a ton of original concepts and then products that can be developed and they take shape in response to consumer or market demands. The effectiveness of these innovations depends on how knowledgeable the staff is about current market trends. On a learning management system, cooperation and learning are made feasible.

Let’s examine the following steps that guide businesses toward innovation through eLearning

  1. Employees who are creative are actively engaged and spoken to. What can you then do? Share employee audio and video content on your company’s learning management system (LMS). Create discussion board themes that encourage lively debate next so that staff members may express their ideas and viewpoints.
  2. Knowledge is the basis for innovation in e-learning. Keep the eLearning courses coming, fresh and new! Asking your staff what they would like to learn will help you determine their learning requirements. You should compare your learning tactics with those of the best companies.
  3. Innovation is a result of multiple perspectives. The value of having different perspectives on an idea cannot be overstated. So please test this out for yourself first encourage team discussion and collaboration through the LMS and fresh, original ideas will emerge.
  4. To generate ideas and communicate them to team members, use productivity-boosting technologies and instructional resources. Create a page on the LMS called Ideas where students can post original ideas. The best way to describe it is innovation through e-learning.
  5. Take regular pauses from your work and online learning. Let your staff to take entertainment breaks and even through the LMS itself in the form of a video posted for example to help the information sink in.
  6. broaden the experiences of your staff. The creation of new ideas is facilitated by richer experiences, and eLearning provides a variety of experiences through interactivity and simulation. Also, fresh circumstances take students somewhere new and nudge them into making decisions based on their knowledge.

Via eLearning, you can keep your staff members current, which will make them more creative. That is the main goal of innovation in e-learning.

This raises the possibility of the forthcoming big idea that everyone is interested in learning about. You must keep them engaged with your learning management system and using its collaborative tools if you want to grow into a leading organization.

Download the free eBook, Instructional Design 101: A Handy Guide for eLearning Designers, written by experienced eLearning designers, for more information on the eLearning creation process and a detailed strategy to developing successful eLearning courses.

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