Benefits of Television Marketing

Benefits of Television Marketing

Despite some recent misconceptions, television advertising still provides many benefits for brands. Even now, watching TV is still a common past hour. Many People use TV as a distraction from their daily stresses. Fans that are actively involved tune in to live events, such as award shows and sporting competitions, to see their favorite musicians perform and sports teams compete.

When done correctly, television advertisements have the power to persuade and stir up feelings. We believe that when deciding what material to include in your media mix, television is still a valid option, whether you watch it on an antenna, satellite dish, cable provider, or on a device that is connected to the internet. In fact, to help you justify the expense as a part of your media budget, we’ve found 7 benefits of television advertising.

1. TV Accesses massive audiences

2. Viewers are watching more television

The most common leisure activity in the United States, aside from sleeping, is watching television. According to research company Ipsos, People are viewing more comedies, action movies, and dramas to reduce stress. Live and time-shifted TV accounted for little more than one third (35%) of all media consumption time in the first quarter of 2020. The WFH workforce expanded as the coronavirus spread throughout the United States.

Increased at-home TV viewing and a faster adoption of Connected TV were caused by the absence of commuting to and from work and new limitations on public meetings. As traditional TV viewing has adjusted, CTV usage has continued to be higher than it was before COVID-19. Additionally, watching TV still involves others. Co-viewing on broadcast, cable, and syndicated TV rose at the onset of the epidemic.

3. TV Draws in regular viewers

Successful television series continue to draw a devoted, attentive audience, and news programming in particular continues to see rising viewership. The amount of time spent watching news has decreased since its peak in the second quarter of 2020, yet it is still high. According to an iab survey, 84% of consumers believe that news media advertising boosts or maintains brand confidence. Younger, more diverse audiences were drawn to TV news, particularly local news sources, as a result of the epidemic, social instability, and election coverage.

Successful television series continue to draw a devoted, attentive audience, and news programming in particular continues to see rising viewership. The amount of time spent watching news has decreased since its peak in the second quarter of 2020, yet it is still high. According to an iab survey, 84% of consumers believe that news media advertising boosts or maintains brand confidence. Younger, more diverse audiences were drawn to TV news, particularly local news sources, as a result of the epidemic, social instability, and election coverage.

We are using media as an escape, according to new Ipsos study. Our top 2 activities include listening to music (57%) and watching more movies online, streaming, or on TV (48%).

4. Online and TV work together

For online enterprises, television is essential. A brand can gain credibility by appearing on television. In comparison to online advertising, it initially exposes that brand to a far bigger audience. TV advertising drives all other forms of promotion. Although viewers may use various gadgets while watching TV, they are still very much engaged with the material. Social networking platforms let users share their experiences with others at the same time.

Both advertisers and TV programmers will continue to use TV to persuade people to engage with more in-depth material online. This fosters consumer relationships and fosters consumer brand loyalty. Internet is making TV a more effective medium, and this synergy will only grow over time.

5. AD Formats adapt to improve viewing experience

As YouTube debuted 6-second bumper commercials in 2016, TV networks began experimenting with them as well. The proportion of these briefer advertisements has since decreased, though. Longer ad formats with more time to tell a story and build brand recognition seem to be valued by advertisers. Compared to internet display, there’s more tolerance for commercials on TV. Data is being used by agencies to make inventive choices. Advertising that reflects the viewer’s experience in life or emphasizes qualities that enable customers to return to their pre-pandemic routine are particularly well-liked. Networks have also started decreasing commercial ad loads in an effort to improve the viewer’s experience.

6. IT IS Becoming easier to fish where the fish are

Television can be used to target particular people in strategic regions if broad reach is not your goal. With the aid of addressable advertising, linked TV, and programmatically purchasing TV audiences, this strategy is constantly improving. The once-widespread medium has now moved beyond employing conventional geotargeting, specialist cable networks, or specific programming.

7. Affordable TV advertisement is possible

Whatever your budget, TV can be found if you know where to seek and how to purchase it. Can’t afford to watch the big NFL game on network television? Instead than using broadcast television, invest in important local markets. Have a limited budget yet still desire the TV’s large-screen viewing experience? Purchase an expected number of connected TV sports impressions.

What will happen to TV advertising?

Brands today are being forced to change direction and engage with consumers in novel ways. One media that is still developing is television. It provides new opportunities for consumers to watch and for advertisers to reach potential customers. We are constantly seeking for new and powerful TV options for our clients as the media landscape shifts. We would be honored to help your brand with these initiatives. Read about the television advertisements we’ve supported for other brands. then get in touch with us so that we may begin working together!

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