Automated Transportation For Safety

Automated Transportation For Safety

The goal of automobile technology’s ongoing development is to provide even greater safety advantages than previous innovations. When we are unable or unwilling to drive ourselves, automated driving systems, often known as automated automobiles, may one day be able to undertake the entire work.

Automatic safety technologies have evolved

Even further benefits for safety are intended to be provided by the ongoing development of vehicle technology, including automated driving systems and driver support technologies.

Five Safety Eras

1950 – 2000

  • Safety and practical features
  • Take Control
  • Car Seats
  • Lock-Up Brakes

2000 – 2010

  • Contemporary Safety Features
  • Electronic Stabilization System
  • Blind Spot Monitoring
  • Caution for Imminent Collision
  • Caution for lane departure

2010 – 2016

  • Innovative Driver Assistance Technologies
  • Video Rearview Systems
  • Emergency braking on demand
  • Automated Emergency Braking for Pedestrians
  • Automatic Emergency Braking in the Rear
  • Warning for Rear Cross Traffic
  • Support for Lane Centering

2016 – 2025

  • Automatic Safety Features in Part
  • Lane Maintaining Assist
  • Adaptive Cruise Control
  • Traffic Jam Assist


  • Fully Automated Safety Features

The Path to Complete Automation

At their maturity, vehicles that drive us rather than the other way around may present transformative safety opportunities. The highest level of driving automation now offered to consumers still necessitates the complete participation and undivided attention of drivers. The creation, testing, and validation of automated driving systems have received significant funding. Also, these developments in vehicle technology have the potential to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and inequity.

Temporary Driver Support (Level 0)

While the driver is fully engaged and paying attention, the system offers temporary driving assistance including warnings and alerts or emergency safety measures.

You Drive and You Watch: Driving the car is your responsibility as the driver. Every feature on a car is there to help, not to drive it. You must accelerate, brake, and steer.

Vehicle technology illustration:

  • emergency braking on demand
  • warning of an impending crash
  • caution for lane deviation

Help for Drivers (Level 1)

Driver is totally engaged and focused while system continuously assists with either acceleration/braking OR steering.

You Drive and You Watch: Driving the car is your responsibility as the driver. The system can do either steering OR acceleration/braking when it is activated.

Vehicle technology illustration:

  • Autonomous cruise control
  • help with lane maintenance

Extra Support (Level 2)

While the driver is fully engaged and paying attention, the system continuously assists with acceleration, braking, and steering.

You Drive and You Watch: Driving the car is your responsibility as the driver. When activated, the system may accelerate and brake as well as steer.

Vehicle technology illustration:

  • Traffic pilot

Automatic Conditions (Level 3)

While the driver is still available to grab the wheel, the system is actively doing driving tasks.

You must be available to take over when requested for system drives. When activated, the system manages every aspect of driving while you remain available to take control if necessary. The driver must be available to continue all aspects of driving if the system becomes unable to function and prompts them.


Extreme automation (Level 4)

Within designated service zones, the system handles all driving-related functions without any assistance from the occupants, who merely serve as passengers.

When activated, the system moves and you ride: When activated, the system manages all driving duties, freeing you, the passenger, from having to control the vehicle. Only a few service areas are covered by the system, not all of them. The car can be driven without a human being behind the wheel.


Total Automatism (Level 5)

The system handles all aspects of driving, and the people inside only function as passengers and do not need to be actively involved.

When activated, the system moves and you ride: When activated, the system manages all driving duties, freeing you, the passenger, from having to control the vehicle. The technology can drive the car anywhere, at any time, and on any type of road. The car can be driven without a human being behind the wheel.



One of the main advantages of automation is said to be increased vehicle safety. Automated driving systems, which operate at higher levels of automation, take human drivers out of the collision-prone chain of events. Although customers cannot yet purchase these systems, there may be many benefits to this emerging technology.

Consumers can now choose among active safety solutions. Some kinds of advanced driver assistance systems offer a lesser level of automation and help drivers by foreseeing and attempting to avoid impending problems. Together, these technologies will contribute to the protection of motorists, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians.


Although it is challenging to predict the complete societal benefits of automated driving systems, their disruptive potential is acknowledged. When fully developed, automated driving systems may improve mobility for the elderly and those with impairments while expanding transportation options for underserved areas. The ADS infrastructure and vehicle design processes should take equity into account and be addressed.

Benefits For Society and The Economy

Automatic technology might also assist society and the economy. According to an NHTSA report, car accidents cost billions of dollars annually. This expense might be decreased if technology could prevent the bulk of auto accidents.


Further automation and electrification in the automobile sector are trends that have the potential to lead to additional advancements in safety and better environmental standards. With greater use of automated ride-share and shuttle fleets, vehicle automation may reduce the need for specific parking places and lots, which might significantly alter how land is used. Also, the electrification of vehicles creates opportunities for increased productivity with less personal driving, which will further reduce air pollution from the transportation sector.

Convenience and effectiveness

In 2014, Americans lost 6.9 billion hours to traffic delays, which increased fuel expenses and car emissions while reducing time spent at work or with loved ones. Autonomous driving technologies have the potential to increase convenience and productivity.

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